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Saturday, December 31, 2011

In with the Old and Out with the New

For those of you that are waiting for this post to be an informative break down of f-stops, lighting techniques, and other photography infused tidbits- you will have to check back shortly.

This post is about ____________________________________.

Out with the old and in with the new.

Does that seems accurate?  It seems to be that, at this time of year, New Year's Eve, when people start updating their facebook status with adages and shout-outs to the past year, while feverishly proclaiming their goals (or resolutions) for the coming "new" year, that this saying has been contorted to satisfy some need to feel a socially motivated progress of sorts.

Wait, wait, wait.  "I have already had a mimosa and a bloody mary- it's New Year's Ever.  What in the hell are you rambling about" you say?

I suppose before dumping this mental plate of scrambled eggs onto the interwebs, I should share a bit of the background story that lead to this proclamation...

Fasten your seat belts, this could be a bumpy ride.

First things first, I do not believe in New Year's resolutions, not one bit.  I am a very type A personality.  This means, I am assessing, re-assessing, assigning, re-assigning, and generally over thinking most goals, directions, and directives in my life on a minute to minute basis.  Those of you that know me personally, know this is true.  With that in mind, I have a hard time understanding why people feel the need to become motivated to "change" the direction of their lives, habits, and goals on a specific day rather than embracing the idea that at ANY point, on any given day, the may do so.

I choose to live my life in such a way, that I enjoy the benefits of being able to make a "resolution" this Thursday, if I so choose.  I urge you to do the same.  Don't wait for the last day of the year to evaluate your life and it's purpose.  Are you happy?  If not, it's time for some reflection.  To me, that is the end of the story.

(I told you this would be a bumpy ride- don't roll your eyes at me!)  tee hee.

Let's say, hypothetically, you are willing to accept this ideal as a premise for this post.  The basic general awareness you may hope to embody then, might also question the saying, "out with the old and in with the new".  Yes, I do believe there is some truth to said statement.  However, I also feel that it might be more poignant to say, "In with the Old and Out with the New".  WHAT??  If your head doesn't hurt yet, bear with me a minute longer.

"In with the Old and Out with the New".  Internalize the old, think about it, grow from it, realize that the "old", the "past" has helped shaped who you are, where you are, and what you have become at this exact moment.  Never forget your past and try to learn from it.  In with the Old.

Now, project the new, out into the universe, out to those around you, and most importantly out to yourself.  This will help keep you accountable.  In addition, if you have put the new "out there", others know about it.  You will attract those to you that also have a semblance of the same goals.  (Law of attraction, thank you John C. Maxwell).  Attracting those to you that have similar goals of world domination, can only help you attain those goals.  Plus, if you get tired or lose hope that you may eventually be the next ruler of the free world, ideally those around you (that you have already attracted) will be able to keep you inspired.

Whatever your cliche status will be today, I hope that you are truly happy with where you are in life, and if you are not, I wish for you to change it- Thursday, or Tuesday if you prefer.

As I wrote that last sentence, I smiled.  In fact, I'm still smiling because I have so very many people to thank for being where I am right now.  Whether you are "old" to me or will be "new" too me... you are truly appreciated.  May this coming year bring that same happiness to you and yours.

Ok, now get back to that mimosa!!  It feels neglected.