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Monday, October 15, 2012

Mini Sessions for Good Paws!!

Austin dog lovers meet photography for a good cause.

I would like to introduce you to Mini Sessions for Good Paws.

Recently there has been a certain dog that has been on the minds of a lot of people.  His name is Milo.  He was a stray that has wandered into the hearts of many amazing people simply by being a stoic sweet heart that would have every right to shy from people.  This poor guy has endured things most of us find imaginable.   He has a broken leg, a dislocated shoulder, is blind in his right eye, and has numerous BBs and even bullets embedded in him.

He has not had an easy life.

In spite of everything he has endured, he has shown nothing but love and adoration for his new found adopted surroundings.

Here is a quick video of Milo:

Since this poor guy has had such a rough go, he will need surgery on his leg.  People have been amazing and donated to his cause here:

As a result of people's generosity and amazing desire to help this poor guy, we have decided to launch:

Mini Sessions for Good Paws

Synergy Impressions Photography Austin will be offering Mini Sessions (a mini photoshoot) for you and your pooch!  All proceeds go to Save Milo The Dog.  That's right 100% of the proceeds straight to Milo and his mounting medical bills.

What are Mini Sessions?  30 minute photo sessions on location Austin, Tx

What can I expect?  Digital images of you and your pooch!!  All edited and ready for your use.

How much are they?  $75 with all of the proceeds going straight to Save Milo the Dog
          *discounted from typical session rate

When can I do this??  Sunday, October 21st, 2012  
                                      Open slots will start at 11:00 AM
                                      Sign-Up will be launched asap

What kind of pictures will they be?  Depends on you and your pooch!  Here is a sample pic from the test shoot with Sailor.

What should I bring??  Your smiling face, your happy hound, and whatever props you'd like!!

Email me to book your mini session and reserve your time!!!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

SLC Austin SLC Austin SLC Austin

Some of you may know that one week ago, Synergy Impressions Photography landed in Austin, Texas.  More appropriately, most likely, you heard a reference to Austin on a FB status and have no idea what I am talking about.

First of all, for those of you in Utah, don't worry, we will still be servicing the Greater Salt Lake area.  Yes, that's right.  We will still be offering photography, videography, and corporate branding to a grid system near you.  In fact, I will be flying back to SLC at the end of March for a wedding that I very much look forward to shooting.  If you need to book photo sessions within the last week of March, contact me asap so that I may schedule you accordingly.  If that date doesn't work, we can book an additional return flight to make our schedules coincide.  We have also partnered with Face Photography to better accommodate everyone's schedule.  Yes, we are that ahead of the game.

Now. for you Austin, Texas folk.  We will be expanding, re-branding, and continually re-inventing Synergy Impressions in your neck of the woods.  That's right, Lonestar State; it's you, me, and a couple cameras.  Since I am less than one week into submerging myself into Torchey's Tacos, the Four Season's Trio, learning how to pronounce the street Manor, and vehemently staying away from I-35- I thank you for your patience.  While I am getting all of my ducks lined up on Guadalupe (gwadaloop), please know that I anticipate being at full shooting capacity within the next 30-45 days.  In the meantime, awesome Austin friends, please feel free to keep Synergy Impressions in mind for any referral photography, videography, and corporate branding needs.  All referrals will be treated as friends, and bonuses are offered in appreciation.  Tell yo' friends to tell me ya sent them!!

So multi-state readers, I hope that helps clear up some of the confusion.

Here's what I am thinking:

Since I we are new to Austin, and most of my gear has been pulled out of boxes... I feel like running a "Welcome to Texas" special!

The first 3 people that contact me in the next 9 days, will receive 20% off their photo shoot and a mystery gift.  This applies to Austin (and the surrounding areas) friends.  SLC, I have a soft spot for ya- maybe we can work something out too.

20% discount on photography services and a mystery gift.  First 3 people.  Austin.

Ready, set, go!